Minecraft Mine the Diamonds Roblox Id TUTORIAL

Minecraft Mine the Diamonds Roblox Id

A diamond is a rare mineral obtained from diamond ore or loot chests. They are mainly used to arts and crafts high-tier tools and armor, enchanting tables, blocks of diamond, and jukeboxes.


  • 1 Obtaining
    • one.1 Mining
    • i.2 Natural generation
    • i.three Crafting
    • i.4 Smelting
  • ii Usage
    • two.1 Crafting ingredient
    • 2.2 Trading
    • two.3 Repairing
    • 2.iv Beacons
  • 3 Achievements
  • four Advancements
  • 5 Data values
    • 5.1 ID
  • 6 History
  • 7 Issues
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 Gallery


Diamond ore can be mined using an fe pickaxe or stronger. An ore drops a unmarried diamond. If mined by any other tool, information technology drops nothing. If the pickaxe is enchanted with Fortune, information technology can drop an extra diamond per level of Fortune, allowing for a maximum of 4 diamonds with Fortune Iii. If the ore is mined using a pickaxe enchanted with Silk Touch, information technology drops an ore block rather than a diamond. The ore is found at level fifteen or lower, most commonly betwixt -fifty and -64. levels -59 and -58 are the preferred levels to mine at as they don't contain boulder, equally it starts spawning at -60.

Natural generation

Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
Diamond Mineshaft Chest i–2 viii.9%
Breastwork remnant Treasure breast 2–6 xv.8%
Buried treasure Chest 1–ii 59.9%
Desert temple Breast 1–3 6.3%
End city Breast 2–vii 21.2%
Jungle temple Chest ane–3 12.9%
Under fortress Chest 1–iii 19%
Shipwreck Treasure chest i 14.1%
Stronghold Altar breast 1–iii 7.3%
Village Weaponsmith's chest one–3 sixteen.2%
Toolsmith'southward chest one–3 9.9%
Bedrock Edition
Diamond Mineshaft Chest 1–2 viii.ix%
Bastion remnant Treasure chest 2–half-dozen fifteen.8%
Buried treasure Chest i 46.9%
Desert temple Breast 1–3 6.3%
Stop city Chest 2–vii 21.two%
Jungle temple Chest ane–iii 12.viii%
Nether fortress Chest i–3 19%
Shipwreck Treasure chest 1 14.1%
Stronghold Chantry chest one–three 7.1%
Village Weaponsmith's chest i–iii 16.2%
Toolsmith's chest i–three 9.ix%


Ingredients Crafting recipe
Block of Diamond



Name Ingredients Smelting recipe
Diamond Diamond Ore or
Deepslate Diamond Ore +
Any fuel


Diamonds are mainly used to craft high-tier armor and equipment, which in turn are also used in making netherite armor and equipment.

Crafting ingredient

Proper name Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Block of Diamond Diamond
Diamond Axe Diamond +
Diamond Boots Diamond
Diamond Chestplate Diamond
Diamond Helmet Diamond
Diamond Hoe Diamond +
Diamond Leggings Diamond
Diamond Pickaxe Diamond +
Diamond Shovel Diamond +
Diamond Sword Diamond +
Enchanting Tabular array Book +
Diamond +
Firework Star Gunpowder +
Matching Dye +
Head or
Gold Asset or
Feather or
Fire Accuse +
Glowstone Dust +
Up to 8 dyes can exist added.
One head, aureate nugget, feather, or fire charge can be added.
Both the diamond and the glowstone dust can be added with any of the other ingredients.
Jukebox Any Planks +
White Firework Star or
Blueish Firework Star or
Brown Firework Star or
Black Firework Star
Gunpowder +
Bone Meal or
Lapis Lazuli or
Cocoa Beans or
Ink Sac +
Head or
Gilded Nugget or
Feather or
Burn Accuse +
Glowstone Grit +
[ Bedrock and Education editions only ]
Upward to eight dyes tin exist added.
One head, golden asset, feather, or fire charge tin can be added.
Both the diamond and the glowstone dust can be added with any of the other ingredients.


In Boulder Edition, practiced-level armorer, toolsmith, and weaponsmith villagers buy one diamond for an emerald every bit part of their trades.

In Java Edition, journeyman-level armorer villagers accept a 40% chance of offering to buy one diamond for ane emerald. Expert-level toolsmith villagers have 23 risk of offering to buy 1 diamond for one emerald. Expert-level weaponsmith villagers e'er offer to buy one diamond for one emerald.


Diamonds are the repair items for the diamond tier and armor material, and thus tin exist used to repair the following items in an anvil or grindstone:

  • Diamond Helmet
  • Diamond Chestplate
  • Diamond Leggings
  • Diamond Boots
  • Diamond Sword
  • Diamond Pickaxe
  • Diamond Axe
  • Diamond Shovel
  • Diamond Hoe


Diamonds can be used to select powers from a buoy. The actor must select i of the available powers then insert a diamond into the particular slot.

A diamond tin can exist substituted for an iron ingot, a gilded ingot, an emerald or a netherite ingot.

Icon Accomplishment In-game description Actual requirements (if unlike) Gamerscore earned Bays blazon (PS4)
PS4 Other platforms
DIAMONDS! Acquire diamonds with your iron tools. Pick up a diamond from the footing. 20G Bronze
Enchanter Construct an Enchantment Table. Choice upward an enchantment table from a crafting tabular array output. 20G Statuary
Diamonds to you! Throw diamonds at some other player. Driblet a diamond. Another player or a mob must so pick up this diamond. 15G Statuary

Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if dissimilar) Resources location
Larn diamonds Isn't Information technology Iron Pick Have a diamond in your inventory. story/mine_diamond


Java Edition:

Name Identifier Form Particular tags Translation key
Diamond diamond Detail beacon_payment_items item.minecraft.diamond

Bedrock Edition:

Name Identifier Numeric ID Grade Translation key
Diamond diamond 304 Particular item.diamond.proper name

Coffee Edition Indev
0.31 20100128 Diamond JE1 BE1.png Added diamonds. Initially, they were referred to as "emeralds".
A stack of 100 diamonds can be institute inside the Indev House chests.
20100129 Diamond can exist used to arts and crafts diamond blocks and diamond swords, shovels, pickaxes and axes.
Diamonds can no longer be found inside the Indev House due to all items having been removed from its chests.
Diamond can be obtained by smelting Diamond blocks.
20100130 Emeralds from the previous version are now officially known as "diamonds", though this has no bodily effect as item names are not yet displayed in-game.
Diamond blocks require 9 diamonds to craft now.
20100206 Diamonds are now used to arts and crafts diamond hoes.
20100212-1 Diamonds are at present used to craft diamond helmets, chestplates, leggings and boots.
Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.14 Diamonds are now used to craft jukeboxes.
Coffee Edition Beta
one.8 Pre-release Diamonds are now institute in the new mineshaft chests.
Java Edition
i.0.0 Beta 1.ix Prerelease 2 Diamond ore can now be smelted into diamond gems, fifty-fifty though there isn't any manner to pick up the ore without using mods.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3 Diamonds are at present used to craft enchantment tables.
Diamonds are now found in the new stronghold chantry chests.
1.one 12w01a Diamonds are at present found in village blacksmith chests.
1.3.1 12w21a Diamonds can now be traded to blacksmith villagers in quantities of 3–5 for 1 emerald.
Added desert temples, with a hidden chest room and loot containing diamonds.
12w21b Diamonds have been changed in the game code from "emerald" to "diamond", due to actual emeralds being added. Diamond'due south original name during Indev, as stated higher up, was emerald in the code, and was kept this way until this snapshot.
12w22a Added jungle temples, which contain loot chests with diamonds.
1.three Diamond JE2 BE2.png The texture of diamonds has been inverse.
1.4.half-dozen 12w49a Diamonds can at present be used to craft a firework star with a trail.
1.six.1 13w18a Diamonds are now institute in the new nether fortress chests.
1.8 14w02a Diamonds tin now be traded to any blackness apron villager in quantities of 3–iv for 1 emerald, as their tier III merchandise.
i.9 15w31a Diamonds now generate in finish city chests.
15w43a The average yield of diamonds have been slightly decreased in under fortress chests.
15w44a The boilerplate yield of diamonds in desert temple and mineshaft chests have been decreased.
1.thirteen 17w47a Prior to The Flattening, this item'due south numeral ID was 264.
18w10a Diamonds at present generate in buried treasure chests.
18w11a Diamonds now generate in shipwreck treasure chests.
ane.14 18w43a Diamond JE3 BE3.png The texture of diamonds has been changed.
18w50a Diamonds can now be found in chests in village toolsmith houses.
ane.16 20w16a Diamonds at present generate in bastion remnants chests.
ane.16.2 20w30a The take chances of finding diamonds in bastion remnant chests is increased from eight.6% to xv.8%.
i.17 21w08a Diamonds tin now drop and be smelted from deepslate diamond ore.
Pocket Edition Blastoff
v0.2.0 Diamond JE1 BE1.png Added diamonds. They are currently unobtainable and serve no purpose.
v0.iii.2 Diamonds can exist collected and used to arts and crafts blocks of diamond and diamond axes, pickaxes, swords and shovels.
v0.4.0 Diamonds are at present used to craft diamond hoes.
v0.5.0 Diamonds are now used to craft nether reactor cores.
v0.half dozen.0 Diamonds are at present used to craft diamond armor.
v0.viii.0 build ii Diamond JE2 BE2.png The texture of diamonds has been inverse.
v0.12.1 build 1 Diamonds are at present used to arts and crafts enchanting tables.
Diamonds are no longer used to arts and crafts nether reactor cores and are now instead dropped past it.
Diamonds at present generate in nether fortress chests.
v0.thirteen.0 build 1 Diamonds now have a chance to generate in desert temple chests.
v0.14.0 build 1 Diamonds are now found in minecart with chests in mineshafts.
v0.fifteen.0 build i Diamonds can now be establish in jungle temple chests.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0 blastoff Diamonds tin can at present exist found in altar chests in strongholds, dungeon chests and finish city chests.
alpha Diamonds can now be found in blacksmith chests in villages.
one.0.4 alpha 3-iv diamonds can now be traded to blacksmith villagers for an emerald as function of their third tier trades.
Bedrock Edition
i.2.0 beta 1.two.0.2 Diamonds can now be used to craft a firework star with a trail.
Diamonds tin can now be used to craft jukeboxes.
i.4.0 beta Diamonds tin can now exist found inside buried treasure chests and shipwrecks.
1.x.0 beta Diamonds can now be institute in plains hamlet weaponsmith chests.
Diamond JE3 BE3.png The texture of diamonds has been changed.
1.11.0 beta one.xi.0.1 Diamonds tin can now be found in village toolsmith chests and in savanna, desert, taiga, and snowy taiga village weaponsmith chests.
beta Armorer, toolsmith, and weaponsmith villagers at present buy one diamond for an emerald as function of their fourth tier trades.
one.xvi.0 beta Diamond now found in bastion remnant chests.
Legacy Panel Edition
TU1 CU1 i.0 Patch 1 1.0.1 Diamond JE1 BE1.png Added diamonds.
TU5 Diamonds are at present found in the new mineshaft chests.
TU7 Diamonds are now used to arts and crafts enchantment tables.
TU9 Diamonds are now found in village blacksmith chests.
TU14 i.04 Diamonds tin at present be traded to blacksmith villagers in quantities of 3–v for 1 emerald.
Added desert temples, with a hidden chest room and loot containing diamonds.
Added jungle temples, which comprise loot chests with diamonds.
Diamond JE2 BE2.png The texture of diamonds has been changed.
TU19 CU7 1.12 Diamonds tin at present exist used to arts and crafts a firework star with a trail
Diamonds are now found in the new under fortress chests..
TU31 CU19 ane.22 Patch 3 Diamonds can at present be traded to whatsoever black apron villager in quantities of 3–4 for 1 emerald, as their tier III trade.
TU46 CU36 1.36 Patch 15 Diamonds at present generate in end city chests.
TU69 ane.76 Patch 38 Diamonds now generate in buried treasure chests.
Diamonds now generate in shipwreck treasure chests.
1.90 Diamond JE3 BE3.png The texture of diamonds has been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Diamond JE2 BE2.png Added diamonds.

Issues relating to "Diamond" are maintained on the problems tracker. Report issues there.

  • Different in Minecraft, newly mined diamonds in real life are rough, cloudy stones. The largest, purest ones are polished into crystal-clear gemstones, while the residual are used in industry for cut and grinding.
  • Although diamonds themselves are not renewable, all tools, weapons, and armor made from diamonds can be acquired through trading, and are therefore renewable. Other items crafted from diamonds are not renewable.
  • In the April fools version Java Edition 2.0, diamond chickens tin lay diamonds. This does non exist in newer versions, every bit this was a joke.
  • The particular forms of diamonds and turtle eggs take the same shape.


Minecraft Mine the Diamonds Roblox Id TUTORIAL

Posted by: terrencepetry2002.blogspot.com


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